Women in Technology Mentorship Program

Research indicates that women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields are underrepresented. Women make up half of the U.S college-educated workforce, but only 26 percent of the professional computing workforce. (National Center for Women & Information Technology, 2017)

The Women in Technology Mentorship Program at Tulane University School of Professional Advancement is committed to providing support and mentorship to women who seek to obtain degrees in the Information Technology Program. This mentorship initiative addresses the discrepancy in technology careers by partnering students with a strong network of female mentors who help navigate challenges faced by women in information technology fields.

This emphasis dovetails with SoPA’s mission to help working adults reach their full potential in their educations and their careers.

Tulane is an equal opportunity educator. While this program focuses on the experiences of women in STEM as an under-represented group, participation is open to qualified students and mentors, regardless of sex;  in other words, the sex of the participant is not an eligibility criteria or pre-requisite.


Program Purpose

Our goals are to assist students to:

  • Build meaningful relationships with a technology mentor to share personal and professional experiences
  • Expand female participation in technology professions by connecting them with a broad base of current industry leaders
  • Provide mentorship during the transition from school to work


" I just wanted to thank you personally for helping hook me up with my mentor a few weeks ago (Susan Adam). We met up and really hit it off. She is everything I hope to be as a manager and IT professional! She is a great addition to my growing network of friends in IT. "

— Michele Ferguson, Cybersecurity Management student

Apply to be Mentored

If you are a student who is currently enrolled in the information technology program at SoPA, and are interested in being matched with a mentor, please fill out the form below. We will do our best to match you with a mentor who is in a similar field of study. This program is open to all eligible students without regard to their sex. All mentorship applications must include a tulane.edu email address.


By submitting this form, you agree to receive information about the Tulane School of Professional Advancement’s programs via email, phone and/or text. You may opt out at any time.

Applicants from the European Economic Area (European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway): please see the Tulane University Privacy Policy for Data Protected by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation for information about how Tulane University processes personal information and your rights.

The time commitment is:

  • 30 minutes to an hour a month for mentorship meetings (in-person or through video conference).
  • Students are responsible for setting the meeting agenda, but keep in mind that organic conversations are enriching to student success as well.
  • Note that the Women Mentoring in Technology program is not meant to supplant academic counselors, career services, or other University support systems, but should be viewed as an enhancement to the variety of Tulane student support.

Meet the Mentors

Our mentors are industry-leaders dedicated to help you increase your potential. Your mentor will be your go-to person for professional and educational advice. They will help you navigate the waters by providing real-life experiences of being a STEM student and professional. Learn more about our mentors below.