How Personal Trainers Are Getting Creative During COVID-19
To prioritize their health, many Americans take precautions such as social distancing and self-quarantining to help avoid contracting COVID-19. As more people stay home, small businesses throughout the country face tough times as more doors close to the public. However, many business owners and leaders in the fitness industry found creative ways to navigate the new normal. Here are some of the innovative changes keeping the fitness world going even with closures and canceled memberships.
Alternative Training Options
Just because customers can't make it to their gyms or training facilities doesn't mean they've stopped caring about maintaining healthy habits. Aspiring and current personal trainers and wellness directors can stay connected with clients no matter where they are by offering virtual workout sessions to active members. Pre-recorded or live, virtual sessions are a great way to keep revenue flowing even if customers can't show up for in-person workouts—and they can also keep fitness communities engaged and updated.
Take It Outdoors
Trainers can go one step further and provide in-person training sessions at communal outdoor spaces, such as a neighborhood park. In-person sessions will need to adapt to the "new normal": Attendees need to be able to maintain six feet apart and trainers should provide additional face masks, hand sanitizer, and wipes to help maintain a safe, comfortable environment. Because class sizes should remain small, trainers may need to schedule more sessions during the week to help maintain steady revenue.
Leveraging the Power of Social Media
Operating at reduced capacity or shutting down completely is disheartening for any entrepreneur, especially trainers and gym owners. However, people are still interested in being active at home, especially when they are working from home and their kids are with them all day. Creating closed Facebook groups for members is an effective way to deliver them exclusive offers beyond their email inbox and serves as an additional platform for sharing virtual training sessions and announcing updates about the facility.
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