A businessperson giving a presentation

Ethics in Public Relations

A public relations professional must govern their behavior according to industry best practices. PR professionals need to remain within ethical boundaries as they share information with the masses and manage the brand image of their respective clients. Learn more about ethical issues that surround the PR profession.

Transparency in Public Relations

PR professionals are often under fire for distorting the truth or withholding information. Ethical public relations call for upholding transparency when dealing with any information, sensitive or not. Blurring fact and fiction can cause a serious rift in credibility and tarnish a firm's reputation.

A person walking with a briefcase

Inflating Service Fees

Corporations pay public relations professionals for the number of billable hours they devote to their work. These professionals can overstate the time spent on various projects, which in turn inflates their pay. On the other hand, they may underperform their duties but expect compensation for the initially agreed fee. A PR firm can build solid relationships with different stakeholders through trust, which can be gained by always opting for the ethical approach.

The Value of Ethics

Some PR firms rely on kickback systems to win mandates. Business and communication scandals highlight the importance of honest and fair public relations, but paid influencers, fake news, and branded content have negatively affected ethics in digital communication as a whole. Following the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Code of Ethics can help newer PR professionals build the much-desired trust between organizations and the public.

Successful PR Practitioners

PR practitioners looking for success in the industry should have extensive knowledge of the PRSA Code of Ethics and how to best tackle an ethical dilemma. With excellent communication skills and comprehensive understanding, a budding PR professional can learn to uphold ethical conduct when managing client work. A formal public relations education is also valuable, as it helps students become more familiar with their duty to establish public trust, communicate ethical challenges, and serve the public good. Earning a BA in public relations can help professionals understand the significant impact of an ethical PR practice and PRSA's core values.

Solve even the most complicated public relations problems with an education from a renowned university. The instructors at Tulane School of Professional Advancement can provide you with the knowledge needed to maintain the integrity of the public relations profession and become a responsible advocate for the clients you represent. Our diverse programs and degrees offer a dynamic setting to help you boost your career in communications. We also offer flexible online and on-campus programs that can easily fit into your busy schedule. Request more information about our programs today.

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