Empowerment: The Lifelong Value of a Legal Studies Degree
What key qualities set legal professionals apart? Among other assets, including an innate desire to make a difference in the world, graduates of legal studies programs share:
- The ability to identify and focus their undivided attention upon legal issues, relevant facts, and applicable laws
- A disciplined and persistent approach to investigation and research
- Expertise in organizing information into cohesive and effective oral and written communications
Where can you acquire these magical powers? You can start by completing your degree in a legal studies or paralegal program that has earned the approval of the American Bar Association. All ABA-approved programs are subject to ongoing assessment, oversight, and review. This ensures that each degree is based on a rigorous, relevant, and practical curriculum, with classes taught by actively practicing attorneys and paralegals.
Through intensive study and hands-on exercises, legal studies students analyze all facets of the U.S. legal system, explore the latest law office technology, and hone their legal communication skills. Finally, senior students apply their new skills and knowledge by performing internships in legal services offices.
Diverse Career Opportunities and Applications
Which careers can you pursue with your legal studies degree? The possibilities are both myriad and meaningful. Many graduates become paralegals in law firms, non-profits, governmental agencies, corporate legal departments, and other legal services offices. Others serve in administrative positions in state and federal courts. Some become private investigators or insurance adjustors or legal information technology experts. If you choose to become a lawyer, you can apply to law school already equipped with knowledge of the judicial system, as well as legal research and writing skills that most 1Ls lack.
The substantive knowledge, critical thinking, and organizational skills you will develop through legal studies are also valuable assets in other fields. Planning to write poetry or prose, sell photographs, or design graphics? You will need to identify and protect your intellectual property. Opening a physical fitness, accounting, or computer repair business? You will need to understand licensing requirements and probably a bit of labor and employment law. In these and other areas, your knowledge of the legal system will empower and protect you.
Adaptable Skills for an Evolving World
Recent events have highlighted the importance of legal knowledge in protecting human health, the environment, ensuring equal rights, and maintaining our economy. Now, as in previous recessions and times of economic crisis, legal services careers are growing in number and importance. Job data from across the U.S. indicates consistent growth in the legal services industry. A background in legal studies, plus your own energy and expertise, can earn you an indispensable role in the dynamic legal profession, which translates to job security and career flexibility.
At the Tulane School of Professional Advancement, we offer both a Bachelor of Arts in General Legal Studies and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Paralegal Studies. For those majoring in other disciplines, we also offer a fully online General Legal Studies Minor, which, though not ABA-approved, provides a solid base of legal knowledge to guide you in your chosen field. Our flexible programs are designed to help working professionals pursue rewarding legal careers while accommodating their busy schedules. Request more information about our general legal studies program today. Your future awaits.
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