Do I Need to Transfer?
Every professional's career path is unique, and not everyone gets their start at a traditional four-year school. College transfers are actually more common than you think—universities across the country report that about 15% to 40% of all newly enrolled graduates are transfer students according to National Student Clearinghouse. Additionally, some universities have articulation agreements with two-year colleges that create a path that makes transferring credits easy and student-friendly. In many cases, transferring can be the best way to reach your professional goals.
Increase Your Earning Potential
An associate's degree can only take you so far, and at that point, a student is typically halfway toward earning their bachelor’s degree. Completing a bachelor's degree could open more doors for you. With a bachelor’s degree, you may qualify for a more notable position in your dream field, create a larger professional network, or stand out from the competition during the recruiting process.

According to PayScale, the national median starting salary for those with a bachelor's can be up to 20% higher than those with an associate's degree.
Make a Career Change With Ease
After completing general education courses at a two-year college, you'll usually have enough credits to focus on the courses that will be directly related to your future career. You'll be better able to make an informed decision about the major you choose and focus solely on career prep, exploring the industry, and learning from experienced faculty who can provide relevant information about what to expect in a particular job setting.
Receive Additional Support from Career Advisors
You don't have to navigate the process of transferring credits on your own. Working with a school's academic advisor can save you time and money in the long run by making sure you have all the paperwork you need to successfully get the maximum number of credits transferred.
The transfer process is much easier than you think. Tulane School of Professional Advancement will hold your hand through the college transfer process and help you achieve your dream. We have dedicated advisors and admissions personnel on staff to help make the process fast and easy while prioritizing your career goals. At Tulane SoPA, you have the option to finish your bachelor’s degree online, offering the flexibility to work or juggle family obligations while in school. Learn how to apply to SoPA as a transfer student today to pursue an education that will foster your career growth.
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