A person typing on a laptop

Breaking into a Tech Career as a Veteran

As one of the fastest-growing job sectors in the United States, the tech industry is booming and constantly in search of new professionals. This is great news for veterans, as they often end their service with many of the hard and soft skills needed to succeed in a wide range of tech-related jobs. Here's a look at why the tech world is home to many lucrative careers for veterans, and how you can break into the industry and land your first job.

What Makes Veterans Uniquely Suited to Careers in Tech?

Transitioning back into civilian life is often a challenging process for veterans, especially when it comes to returning to school and beginning a new career. As the tech industry has rapidly grown, however, many veterans have found that their military experiences are highly transferable to careers in tech. Veterans who have worked directly with advanced technology and complex machinery during their service often see moving to a tech career as a no-brainer, and even veterans who have no tech experience may still be attracted to the rigorous training, team-building, and problem-solving skills that careers in tech require.

The office space of a tech professional

Which Tech Careers Are Best for Veterans?

The short answer is: all of them. Veterans are nothing if not adaptable, and with the right tech experience, education, and professional training, they can quickly become suited to virtually any career in the tech industry. Depending on your individual interests, goals, and background, you may find yourself attracted to specific roles, companies, or sectors within the industry. For example, if you already have security clearances and an interest in defense, you may decide to pursue a career in cybersecurity.

Landing Your First Tech Job

In addition to earning a bachelor's degree, learning to leverage the skills you developed in the military can be very useful for getting your foot in the door at your first tech job, especially if those experiences are directly related to tech. You should also do plenty of research about the possible career paths in tech in order to find the options that are the best fit for your interests and skills. It can also be helpful to reach out to veterans already working in tech to ask them for advice about breaking into the industry.

Tulane School of Professional Advancement offers a range of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and graduate certificates that can help you launch your new tech career, and we offer additional support for veteran and active-duty students. Request information today to learn more about our tech program options.

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