Media + Design Service Learning Summary

Learn about our service learning class projects and see example works!
In upper-level courses, we incorporate service learning into class projects. Students work directly with a non-profit client to design work for a particular cause or social endeavor. The service-learning projects keep the power of design in the forefront of students’ minds and show them how the same skills a designer would use to market goods and services can also be used to shape social change. For each project, faculty use personal and professional connections to find non-profit organizations that could benefit from design in ways that will also meet course learning objectives.
The class service learning projects begin with a class visit and a point of contact from the non-profit, who informs the students about the organization and the particular design challenge and takes questions from the class. After the design process is complete, the students meet again with the client to present their design. The projects give the students a chance to work on their writing and presentation skills and build confidence by presenting their finished work to a real client. The clients have always been thrilled to see how design elevates their message and event.