Three Networking Tips to Help Get You Hired After Graduation
Applying for jobs over the Internet can be frustrating. There’s a lot of competition out there, and it creates a risk of getting lost in the shuffle of resumes. The best way to start job-hunting after graduation is to network with those both in and outside your field. The following tips can be used to your advantage to help you meet the right people at the right time and hopefully secure the perfect job.
Think About Who You Already Know
An excellent place to start when trying to network fresh out of college is to think about the people you already know from your undergraduate years. Doing so will allow you to gather the best possible list of contacts that can be beneficial to you, and won’t be extremely challenging to get in touch with. Make a list of possibilities such as professors you’ve met in your degree programs, coaches, and advisers who you’ve encountered along the way. Once you have the names written down, begin to approach them for advice and job referrals.
Build an Online Presence
In this day and age, it’s important to have an online presence related to your professional experience. Therefore, take time to build a profile for yourself with your past and present work experience and education. Include the highlights that you feel will grab the attention of potential employers when they’re reviewing your profile online. Begin to reach out and connect with individuals who have jobs at companies for which you’re interested in working.

Be Diligent and Follow up
It’s in your best interest when networking out of college to be diligent and follow up with everyone you meet. Take the next steps to see if the people you cross paths with have the time to speak with you individually. Pick their brains about what they do so you can gather more insights into potential jobs you want. Exude gratitude for anyone who takes the time to help or meet with you as well.
Advance your career and gain the skills you need to succeed in your profession of choice by attending The Tulane School of Professional Advancement. Visit our website to learn more about our admissions process and programs of study so you can land the job you desire after graduating.
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