Michael Antoine: Taking the Lead During Unprecedented Challenges

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the city of New Orleans, and the city's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness continues to fight against the disease's spread. As the organization's deputy director and a front-line worker in the city's response team, Michael Antoine knows what it takes to spearhead action in trying times. As an alumnus of the Tulane School of Professional Advancement, he's putting the skills he learned to use against an unprecedented threat.
Leadership During a Pandemic
Antoine works throughout the day with health officials and administrative staff members to organize the city's response and gauge how patients and other civilians are faring. Though safety measures have affected his team's ability to communicate, Antoine uses a proactive approach to keep responders connected while respecting everyone's health. He prioritizes contact with public representatives and departments so that New Orleans can take better care of itself. However, this doesn't mean there aren't challenges. There have been some issues securing enough PPE for public safety operations, but Antoine's dedication to protecting first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic hasn't wavered. Keeping morale up and maintaining resilience in the face of an emergency are essential in his line of work, as is allowing his staff and other workers enough time to monitor their health.
The SoPA Advantage
As an alumnus of SoPA's Emergency and Security Studies program, Antoine finds himself suited to the current circumstances despite their novelty. "I've been in public safety for 20 years now," said Antoine during an interview. Despite COVID-19 being an unprecedented crisis, Antoine noted that SoPA's "education gave me the mindset to figure this out." Crises share a similar framework, and he knows how to be flexible and problem-solve while planning. The Emergency and Security Studies program helped him develop the ability to tackle issues and find solutions, both for everyday concerns and more extraordinary situations.
The Tulane School of Professional Advancement allows students to find and redefine themselves as they reach for their goals. Students can emerge from this pandemic stronger and more skilled than when it began. If you're ready to take the next step in your emergency or security career, apply to our program today.
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