A teacher and student looking at a laptop

How to Develop the Skills You Need to Become a Top Educator

If you have a passion for learning and seeing children succeed, education may be the right career path for you. You'll need to build a diverse set of skills to set yourself up for success in this demanding and constantly evolving field.

Cultivating Relationships

If you're planning on becoming an educator, completing your teaching certification and taking Praxis exams are essential parts of your preparation. However, you should also assess your ability to form strong relationships with other people. If students know that their teachers care about their health, safety, and emotional well-being, this provides a better platform for focusing on schoolwork and following directions. Educators who show genuine interest and empathy for their students will find it easier to motivate them.

Students working in a classroom

Communication and Conflict Resolution

From students and parents to administrators and other teachers, you'll need to navigate communicating with several different audiences. This calls for a clear and confident speaking voice, concise emails and messages, and being an attentive listener. By honing your communication skills, you'll add another essential tool to your skillset.

Organization and Dedication

Regardless of which career pathway you pursue as an educator, you'll need to prepare to handle different challenges each day. As you manage several classes of students, you'll need to develop tricks to keep things running smoothly, especially for distance learners. It can be helpful to take advantage of Zoom's breakout rooms, Google Classroom's topics or assignments features, and Pear Deck.


Last but certainly not least, enthusiasm is contagious. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing your students have learned and retained the material you've taught, but having fun while you do it will keep the class energized.

At the Tulane School of Professional Advancement, you can earn a teaching certification in Louisiana by completing our Teacher Preparation and Certification Program. Over the course of this post-baccalaureate program, you'll gain over 200 hours of experience in the classroom to help you prepare for a fruitful career in education. If you already have a bachelor's degree and are interested in becoming a teacher, apply to Tulane SoPA today.

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