A girl taking notes by her computer

3 Tips for Preparing for a New Semester

Your breaks between semesters are the perfect time to give your brain a much-needed breather, especially if you work full time or have children. As the start date for classes gets closer, set yourself up for a successful and rewarding semester with these college tips.

Reflect on Your Challenges From the Previous Semester

As tempting as it may be to put everything behind you at the end of a rough semester, that's the perfect time to look at what went wrong. During their first few semesters, it's common for college students to have some of the following issues:

  • Difficulty keeping notes for different classes organized
  • Getting headaches from being on a computer more often
  • Problems with time management
A person in a graduation cap

It's always better to address these issues so that you can avoid them in the future. With a little reflection, you can often find simple solutions. For example, free digital note-taking apps, like Notion and OneNote, can help keep your notes organized. If you felt overworked or had trouble with time management, you can free up time in your schedule by taking fewer courses next semester.

Cut Back on Your Screen Time

Watching TV is an easy way to take a break between classes, but if you’re not careful, watching just one episode can easily become two or three episodes. During your time off, try to find new ways to relax that don’t involve using your phone or watching TV. As you work toward earning your degree, overcoming procrastination might require slightly changing your habits.

Prioritize Regulating Your Sleep Schedule

Not getting at least seven hours of sleep each night can have long-term and short-term effects on your health and cognitive function. If you've fallen behind on your sleep during the semester, this is the perfect time to recharge and pay off your sleep debt.

If you're a current student who wants to transfer or are considering going back to school, explore your options at the Tulane School of Professional Advancement. We offer on-campus, online, and hybrid degree programs for working adults who need flexible schedules to further their careers. Request more information about our programs today to see how Tulane SoPA can guide you during your journey toward a fulfilling career.

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