Post-hurricane check-in from SoPA Dean Suri Duitch

Dear SoPA students,


As you know from the communication from President Fitts, Provost Forman and Chief Operating Officer Patrick Norton, Tulane has canceled all classes (both online and on-ground) until Sept. 13, after which point all instruction will be online for about a month. On-ground classes will resume on Oct. 11, and the fall semester will be extended to make up for time lost right after the hurricane. While some of our community members have sustained significant damage to their homes and property, we believe that everyone is physically safe.


The fact is that, regardless of where you live, your experience as a Tulane student is being affected by Hurricane Ida. So, we appreciate your patience as we take a break in instruction until Sept.13, and for dealing with whatever disruption the extended time might create for your schedules.


Please let us know how you are doing, and especially if you are struggling in ways that might affect your ability to stay in school and keep making progress toward your academic goals. Vanessa Rodriguez, Assistant Dean for Student Support and Success, may be reached at We will do whatever we can to support you.


