Jane Eason
School of Professional Advancement
Department Head, Department of Physical Therapy, LSU Health New Orleans
Dr. Eason is a Professor and Department Head of the Physical Therapy Program at LSU Health New Orleans. She is a New Orleans native, receiving her BS in Physical Therapy from LSU Medical Center in 1979, a Master’s Degree in Cardiac Rehabilitation from LSU Baton Rouge in 1983 and a PhD in Exercise Science with a minor in Physiology from the University of Florida in 1996. She then pursued a Post-Doctoral position in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Emory University from 1996 – 1998. Following completion of her post-doc, Dr. Eason joined the physical therapy program as an assistant professor at LSU Health in 1998.
Dr. Eason has worked in a variety of physical therapy settings including Cardiac Rehabilitation, Trauma/ICU, Acute Care, Home Health and in Skilled Nursing facilities. Dr. Eason has primary teaching responsibilities in a variety of courses including Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Management of Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction, Administrative Skills in PT I, Diagnosis & Management of Integumentary Dysfunction and Wellness: Prevention and Health Promotion. In 2011, Dr. Eason was named as Department Head of the Physical Therapy Program.