Robert Lawler

Robert Lawler

School of Professional Advancement

Education & Affiliations

  • BS, Business Management, University of Phoenix
  • MA, Security Studies (Homeland Security), Naval Postgraduate School


Robert “Mike” Lawler is a former homeland security practitioner with 33-plus years of federal law enforcement and military experience, including more than 15 years in leadership positions and over 25 years in the field of border security.  Over the past 12 years, he has put his expertise and knowledge gained from practical field experience and education into creating courses and developing policies related to various aspects of border security.  He has specialized in law enforcement policies and techniques, including use of force and canine policies as well as course development, both with a focus on the constitutional application of those policies and practices. He holds a Master of Arts in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense) from the Naval Postgraduate School.

Courses Taught

  • Border Security
  • Independent Studies- Internship with US Congresswoman

Professional Experience

  • DHS Customs and Border Protection

Areas of Expertise

  • Border Security
  • Law Enforcement
  • Canine Operations
  • Use of Force
  • Policy Development
  • Training
  • Tactics