Monica Vaughn-Flam

Monica Vaughn-Flam

School of Professional Advancement

English as a Second Language Manager, KIPP Charter Schools


Monica Vaughn-Flam earned her Master of Education from Johns Hopkins University. She is the manager of English as a Second Language (ESL) Programming for KIPP New Orleans. She has taught ESL in both New Orleans and in Baltimore. Mrs. Vaughn-Flam also holds her Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Advanced Practitioner Certificate and English Language Teaching (ELT) Leadership Management Certificate. Mrs. Vaughn-Flam has served as an executive member of the Louisiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (LATESOL) board and has served as the LATESOL Advocacy lobbyist in Washington D.C. for the TESOL Advocacy & Policy Summit in 2018 and 2019. Mrs. Vaughn-Flam has also worked as a Teacher Leader Advisor writing instructional scaffolds for English Learners and reviewing curriculum for LDOE.