Michele Adams
School of Professional Advancement
School of Liberal Arts
Associate Professor, Sociology
(504) 862-3015

At the present time, Dr. Adams am working on two main research projects. The first is a book project that examines the socio-historical construction of "family values" over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, addressing how movements for women's rights in each century inadvertently drive competing counter movements promoting marriage and family. Her second main research focus is a study of the trajectory of relationships formed through on-line dating venues, in which she examines changes in gender attitudes and practice as those relationships transition off-line and into long-term face-to-face romantic unions.
Selected Publications
Adams, Michele. In Press. "Is Family A Moral Capital Resource for Female Politicians? The Case of ABC's Commander in Chief." Accepted for publication in Media, Culture, and Society.
Pyke, Karen, and Michele Adams. In Press."What's Age Got to Do With It? A Case Study Analysis of Power and Gender in Husband-Older Marriages." Accepted for publication in Journal of Family Issues.
Tsunokai, Glenn T., Augustine Kposowa, and Michele Adams. In Press. "Racial Preferences in Internet Dating: A Comparison of Four Birth Cohorts." Accepted for publication in The Western Journal of Black Studies.
Adams, Michele. 2009. "Engendering Family Past: 19th Century Pro-Family Discourse through a Feminist Historical Lens." Pp. 234-248 in S.A. Lloyd, A. Few, & K. Allen (eds.), Handbook of Feminist Family Studies. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Coltrane, Scott, and Michele Adams. 2008. Gender and Families, 2nd edition. Gender Lens Series. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Adams, Michele. 2007. "Women's Rights and Wedding Bells: 19th Century Pro-Family Rhetoric and (Re)Enforcement of the Gender Status Quo." Journal of Family Issues 28(4): 501-528.