Jason Reed

Jason Reed

School of Professional Advancement


Education & Affiliations

  • Bachelor of Science in History and Political Science
  • Associate degree in Police Services, Community College of the Air Force
  • Associate degree in General Studies, Hinds Community College


| entered on duty with the Air National Guard in March of 1993 where I served as a jet engine mechanic and later transitioned over to the Security Forces. In 2005, I transferred to the 255th Air Control Squadron to serve as a base perimeter and firearms instructor. In 2013 I retired from the Air National Guard with 20 years of service.

| was hired by the US Government in September of 1996 where I first served
as a file clerk working his way through night school at Mississippi College. In December 2003 I was promoted to the position of Intelligence Analyst. As an Intelligence Analyst I focused on a myriad of threat portfolios which included Foreign Counterintelligence, Health Care Fraud, Crimes against Children
and Human Trafficking. In 2021 I took on the additional role as the Critical Incident Operations Specialist (CIOS) for the Crisis Management Team.

In August of 2023 I was promoted to the position of Supervisor Intelligence Analyst overseeing the analyst assigned to the violent crime program covering gangs, violent incident crime, drug trafficking, Indian country, crimes against children and human trafficking.

Advisor for:

Courses Taught

  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Intelligence Analysis and Critical Thinking
  • Introduction to Homeland Security

Areas of Expertise

  • Intelligence and Homeland Security