Chris Bogen
School of Professional Advancement

Chris Bogen, Ph.D. has been an active Tulane SoPA adjunct faculty member since 2016. He has taught courses such as Cybersecurity Capstone, Cyber Threats for IT Managers, Legal Issues in IT, and Linux Administration and Security. Chris is employed full-time for Fluor Federal Petroleum Operations (FFPO, M&O Contractor to the Department of Energy’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve) as a Principal Cybersecurity Architect. In this role, Chris designs technical and administrative cybersecurity controls, analyzes cybersecurity risk, and deploys new cybersecurity technology. Chris currently holds several Cybersecurity certifications including the ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), GIAC Certified Wireless Network Auditing (GAWN), GIAC Certified Penetration Testing (GPEN), GIAC Certified Incident Handling (GCIH), and GICAS Certified Industrial Control System Security (GICSP).
Chris also had a previous term with his current employer, FFPO, in 2014 and 2019 when he served as an Information Systems Security Officer and a Senior Cybersecurity Engineer. In between his employment terms at FFPO (2019 – 2021), Chris worked as a Principal Consultant / vCISO in the Blackberry / Cylance Strategic Services practice. At Blackberry / Cylance, Chris helped organizations develop and implement security processes to prevent future cyber-attacks. Chris, and the rest of the vCISO team, provided input into the creation, improvement, and execution of strategic security programs for Blackberry / Cylance clients who require governance and tactical planning, part time security consulting and CISO support.
From 2004 – 2014, Chris served nearly 10 years as a computer scientist at the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research Development Center (ERDC). During his time at ERDC, Chris contributed world-class research and practical tools for domains such as long-term structural health monitoring (as a founding member of the SMART Gate project) and building information modeling (as a co-author of COBie-related national Building Information Modeling, i.e. BIM, standards).
Chris earned a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Mississippi State University (1999, 2002, 2006). His computer forensics dissertation research was published in the Journal of Digital Forensics Practice. Chris’s publication magazine articles, numerous conference articles, journal articles, a textbook chapter, and building information modeling standards. Chris served as the secretary for the OASIS technical committee of the Open Building Information eXchange (OBIX) from 2012 – 2014, and as secretary for the National Institute of Building Science’s National Building Information Modeling Standards committee from 2013 – 2014.
Aside from IT and cybersecurity related endeavors, Chris is a husband, a father, and an active home recording artist. Most notably, Chris serves as a co-producer and guitarist for High Castle Teleorkestra, an eclectic remote ensemble featuring an all-star ensemble of players from around the globe.
What is the best advice you've ever received?
Don't turn down an interesting and challenging work opportunity because you don't feel like the most qualified person. Opportunities to expand your horizons don't come along every day and sometimes we are too hyper-critical of ourselves to see our own potential. You don't have to be the MOST qualified for a project or job, you just have to be the most qualified available for the opportunity.
What are your favorite activities when you are not working?
Family. Music. Food. Reading. Sleeping. Puzzles. Building gadgets.
Without saying what the category is, what are your top five?
It’s as difficult for me to commit to a top 5 anything as it will be for some of you to decode my list. And by the time you decode it I’ll probably have a different top 5 list because my preferences evolve.
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